Old school glamour is what this box of lavender roses will convey! Other colors available on request.
In some instances, our photo may represent an overall theme or look and include a one-of-a-kind vase which cannot be exactly replicated.
Although the actual bouquet may not precisely match the photo, its temperament will. Occasionally, substitutions of flowers and/or containers happen due to weather, seasonality and market conditions which may affect availability. If this is the case with the gift you’ve selected, we will ensure that the style, theme and color scheme of your arrangement is preserved and will only substitute items of equal value or higher value.
If any design elements are of major importance to your order, please include them in the florist instructions at checkout or contact us to ensure availability.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Service was excellent and on time
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
My sister-in-law loved these birthday roses. She said they were the same color as the roses in her wedding. Thank you so much!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Everything was perfect! The process was easy, the delivery man Matt was very helpful about leaving the flowers in a secure spot. He took the time to go back and put the flowers in a certain spot I wanted them. The box and flowers were beautiful. My wife was very much pleased. Thank you
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Placed order at the midnight and they were delivered on time next morning. Perfect quality and so beautiful. Highly recommend!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Flora Savage is amazing! I have been using them for over 7 years. This is my go-to florist.